Alternative Cancer Treatments

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Cancer is a scary word. If you haven't experienced it firsthand, it's almost certain that you know a family member or a close friend who has. With the many forms that cancer can take, there are a number of treatments that go along with them.

Depending on the type of cancer in question, modern treatments usually include surgery, chemotherapy and radiation. Due to the pain and side effects of these treatments and their related drugs, there has been a surge of interest in learning about other therapies that can be done concurrently. Coined as "complementary" therapies, these techniques aren't to be confused with stand-alone alternative cancer treatments. Instead, they are forms of holistic healing that can improve a cancer patient’s quality of life by focusing on their physical, spiritual and emotional needs. does not endorse or advocate any of these suggested alternative complementary treatments. They should always be discussed in detail with a medical professional or a certified holistic health practitioner.

Massage therapy

Thermo therapy



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