8 Ingredients To A Healthy Heart

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While it’s easy to get caught up in the aesthetic component of creating a good workout and nutritional program, you really must not overlook the importance of exercise and healthy eating when it comes to maintaining good health. Even more important is ensuring you have a healthy heart because cardiovascular disease is rising at an increasing pace.

While there are certain factors you simply cannot control, such as a genetic predisposition to heart disease, there are some you can and should control. The sooner you start taking measures to prevent heart disease, the better you’ll fair later in life.

That being said, here are the top ingredients you need to keep your ticker working the way it should, as we take a look at the eight ingredients to a healthy heart.

1- Cut back on red meat

2- Up your consumption of dark-colored fruits and vegetables

3- Control your insulin levels

4- Make your own meals

5- Up your soluble fiber content

6- Reduce your cheese intake

7- Drink in moderation

8- Do intense exercise

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