Smooth talker

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How to keep a conversation going

If dating profiles are anything to go by, 'good conversation' is something we rate highly in an ideal mate. So how do you turn stilted small talk into a proper conversation?

Starting a conversation with a member of the opposite sex can be a nerve-wracking experience. Once you've broken the ice, you need to keep the dialogue going, which for some people is ... wait for it ... easier said than done.

If friendly banter is something you struggle with, never fear. Our pointers will help you polish your conversation skills in no time.

Anatomy of a conversation
We've all had a conversation that hasn't exactly gone as we'd have liked. But we can learn from our mistakes. In order to improve your conversation skills, you need to revisit an embarrassing or awkward conversation from your past.

If you had your time again, what would you change? Your tone of voice? The words you used? Keep these things in mind. They are your conversational weaknesses and it is these things you need to work on in order to get your conversation skills up to scratch.

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