- Look Approachable. If you put him at ease and let him know you enjoy being with him, he'll usually find the courage to try to kiss you.
- Break the "touch barrier." Touch him lightly on the arm or shoulder when you're talking. Just make it a quick, innocent touch and don't make a big deal out of it. Holding hands is also a good way to break the touch barrier. The simple act of touching can strengthen the intimacy between you and him. Sometimes a guy will break the touch barrier, and if you're comfortable with him doing so, touch him back. But don't wait for a guy to make the first move here, because girls can generally get away with breaking the touch barrier earlier in a relationship than guys can. Also another good way of breaking the touch barrier is to "compare hand sizes" then smile and lace your fingers for a moment. This is a cute way to "break the barrier.
- Look at his lips. When you're alone with a guy and want to be kissed, make eye contact and then move your gaze briefly down to his lips. Then move your eyes back up to meet his and smile demurely. You don't have to be really obvious about it. Many guys will take the hint, especially if they've read one of the many articles that lists this as a sign that a girl wants to be kissed. If it doesn't work the first time, try again when the time is right.
- Move in. You have to be close to each other to kiss, and the less distance a guy has to travel to kiss you, the easier it is for him to give it a try. So get close. When the moment seems right, put your face close to his and look at him expectantly. If you're brave, you could try moving in as though you're going to kiss him. Hopefully he'll take the hint and kiss you, but if he doesn't you can give him a playful little kiss on the cheek.
- Talk about it. If the guy isn't taking your subtle hints, bring up kissing in conversation. For example, if you're watching a movie together and see an on-screen kiss, mention that it's "so romantic" or something to that effect. If the guy is really shy, you might just want to put it on the line and tell him that you'd like him to kiss you.
- Kiss him. There's no law that says the guy has to initiate the kiss, and some guys--especially if they've never kissed a girl before--just won't take your hints. If you want to kiss him, just go ahead and do it.
How to Hint for a Kiss from a Guy
How to Remove a Hickey
- Apply an icepack to the hickey as soon as possible after receiving it. You can wrap some ice in a towel, use pre-frozen ice packs or put a spoon in the freezer for a few minutes. Gently hold the cold compress to the skin for several minutes (up to 20 minutes, if it doesn’t feel too uncomfortable), remove the compress for several minutes, and then apply it again.
- Try the toothbrush or comb method. Many people swear by it, but it’s important to remember that a hickey is a bruise, and they just take time to disappear, so don’t expect a miracle.
- Lightly brush the hickey and the area around it with a stiff-bristled toothbrush or a comb. Doing this breaks up the blood clot and gets circulation going again.
- Wait about 15 minutes. The redness and swelling will spread, but will be less obvious after about 15 minutes.
- Apply a cold compress, as above.
- Repeat if necessary. Depending on the magnitude of your hickey, this method may work or it may just spread the discoloration a bit (pressing too hard can make it worse.)
- Conceal the hickey with makeup. The most effective is green-tinted concealer, as it's designed to negate red skin tones. Apply a foundation (one a little lighter than your skin tone) directly on and all around the hickey so it's not obvious you’re concealing something. Try an eyeshadow that’s lighter than your skin tone if sans concealer.
- Cover the hickey. Wear a turtleneck, scarf or collared shirt or blouse (dress appropriate for the weather!). Style your hair (if it's long enough) so it hangs over the hickey. Frequently check the positioning of the covering agent, ensuring it still hides the hickey.
- Use a coin. This method is probably the most painful, but has proven VERY effective. First, stretch the skin flat (pulling away from the hickey on two opposite sides). Then, use the edge of a large coin to scrape the skin. Use the coin like the hickey was butter on toast, and spread outward. The only difference is that you must press quite HARD (as hard as you can, but not so that you break the skin, bleed or hurt). What this does is push the excess blood, which has escaped from the capillaries, out of the surface skin. There will be redness from the scraping, but that will go away much faster than a hickey. Anyhow, a scrape is much less conspicuous than a hickey.
- Put a spoon in the freezer for a few minutes. Apply pressure and slide the spoon along the hickey. The pressure and coldness help disperse the blood that has formed. You will need to repeat freezing as a warm spoon is useless. You must use a lot of pressure with the spoon but should see results over a few minutes of doing this.
How to Sweep a Girl off Her Feet
- Strike up a conversation. If you haven't met her yet, find something unique about her or the situation the two of you are in and say something about it. If she's a friendly person this should give you enough to talk about until you can start asking her questions to get to know her better.
- Find something about her that is truly special. Does she have anything about her that is unique? A subtle little quirk or feature that you find endearing, but that no one else seems to notice?
- Let her know that you think she's special without expecting anything (a phone number, a date) in return. If this girl is really interesting to you, there should be something far from the common that you notice. If she's good looking, she probably gets several compliments a day, so offer her one that is as unique as you believe she may be, like mentioning something about her personality - first impressions will make a huge difference. For example:
- "Hi, I don't mean to make you feel weird or anything, but you've just got the prettiest freckles I've ever seen."
- She'll probably smile, say thank you, look away, and maybe even blush. Remember that even if ultimately, it doesn't work out, you've at least made her day by giving her a true compliment.
- Try to walk the line between a feel-good compliment and a cheesy pick up line. Be sincere about it, but don't go over the top.
- Offer her your company, and walk away. That is, right before you leave, give her your phone number or screen name, or offer a time and a place to meet, and let her know that if she chooses not to take you up on your offer, you'll never bother her again. Don't give her a chance to accept or reject you. Make your offer and run. Give her a chance to think about it by herself, and wonder "Hmmm...I wonder what he's like." If you do this confidently and impressively, she'll feel compelled by her curiosity to get to know you better, and she won't feel like she's being pressured or chased. Also, the fact that she might never see you again will encourage her to follow up on any glimmer of hope she has about you being the guy of her dreams.
- Don't look back. If she doesn't call or show up, leave her alone. She's not interested, and if that ends up being the case, don't take it personally. However, if she does call you or meet with you, you've probably swept her off her feet! The rest depends on chemistry and compatibility. Good luck!
How to Hug
- Approach the person. Depending on the person's relationship to you, you might want to approach differently:
- Family Hug: Approach kindly, but not too emotionally.
- Friend Hug (girls): Approach caringly, sometimes humorously, and smile.
- Friend Hug (guys): Approach quickly, usually not looking them in the eye.
- Crush Hug: Approach carefully, but do not seem shy. Smile slightly and perhaps say a caring word or two.
- Lover Hug: It doesn't matter who starts this; either can make it just as romantic. When approaching, put your hands on their shoulders and look them in the eyes. Say you love them, how much you care for them, and how much you are loving every second with them. Then fall into each other and hug with all your heart.
- Embrace.
- Family Hug: You can keep talking when hugging; it will not ruin the momentum. Where you place your hands is not important; the hugged won't think it over too much. Press gently; it is not necessary to have head-contact. Stroke your hands quickly across the top of the hugged's back. Smile when letting go.
- Friend Hug (girls): Close your eyes and think about how much you love your friend when hugging. Press as much as you feel like. (But don't squish!) Do not clap the hugged on the shoulders or such; its too masculine and some girls think you don't like them if you do it the guys' way.
- Friend Hug (guys): Embrace strongly, and clap each other on the top of your backs. If it's an emotional moment, keep in the hugged position for a brief moment and do not clap each other's backs.
- Crush Hug: Press the hugged warmly towards you. If you are a man, remember that it is more masculine and more protective to fold your arms under hers. Her arms should be around your neck, and you should be embracing her around the waist. When pressing her against you, you can lift her up a bit, pressing her chest and upper stomach against yours. Keep it in that position for a while, and then let go. Look her in the eyes when you separate and continue the conversation naturally.
- Lover Hug: 1) Males: Carefully sliding your hands down from her shoulders, put them on her waist and slide them around her lower back. Put your head on her shoulder and press her towards you for as long as you like. If you want to, you can give her a small massage with your hands, and try to warm her. When separating, you can look into her eyes, smile genuinely and, if the situation is fitting, kiss her. 2) Females: Extend your arms toward him and hold them around his neck and shoulders. Lean as close as possible and press your torso against his. In situations of extreme intimacy, interlocking your leg in his is appropriate. Avoid holding your arms below his shoulders and/or embracing strongly and tensely.
- Don't hug too tightly. The best way to judge how tight or loose to hug is to let whomever your hugging tell you by how hard they squeeze. If they are soft, be soft back; if they like bear hugs and squeeze tightly, do the exact same back (but don't suffocate him/her).
- Don't be the first to let go. If someone hugs you, they may want a long, loving hug (maybe they are upset or down), so just go along with it and hug them until they let you go. A hug is a great thing and lots of people like them, as they can feel great and greatly improve your mood. However, if both of you have read this, neither of you will let go and you will be forced to continue hugging indefinitely, or simply appear rude. Perhaps you should get someone to pull the two of you apart after several moments.
Hug, Hug Me Do
For such a simple gesture, hugging sure does need a lot of demystifyin’. And while men often wonder about one aspect in particular - why on EARTH hugs are so important to women - these same women, ever conscious of the unidirectional nature of their need, prefer to examine it in every. single. possible. way.
How to ask a boy for a hug (hold out your arms, and if he asks what you’re doing, reply: “I want a hug!”*), and how to do that without embarrassing yourself (hint: get a wing man).
Their knowledge extends to boyfriends (How do you get your boyfriend to hug you? Stand there with a really cute look on your face, like you’re expecting something from him… If he doesn’t hug you, cry. If he still doesn’t hug you, dump him) and husbands (How do I hug my husband? Start with a beer and just let him know you’re there); the shy (How do you give a real loving hug if you’re shy? Start slow) and the passionate (How do you hug passionately? Really mean it when you hug).
(* If he doesn’t ask, assume he thinks you’re impersonating Superman. Escape the ensuing awkward moment by telling him you’re practicing for the upcoming comic books convention. And then try to escape that awkward moment.)
Part 2: Hug protocol
Hugs are harmless, right? A gentle expression of support or comfort or affection. So are they always appropriate? The Wise Ones say… it depends.
For instance, what does it mean when a 30-year-old woman hugs a 14-year-old boy a lot, and should it be happening? (unless she’s family, probably not). Should you hug a guy after you’ve broken up with him and it’s time for him to move out? (sure. You’ve spent a part of your life together with good memories and it’s a tough decision to make; you will surely miss each other).
Even if the hug is appropriate, the logistics might not be (chuckle chuckle…). If you’re, say, 5 feet tall and the person you’re hugging is 5′8″, where do you put your arms?
The protocol is strangely silent about the ideal way to hug a guy around his friends and what to do if a girl sees her boyfriend hugging another girl and gets mad. Maybe you have some ideas of your own.
Part 3: Five things you always wanted to know about hugging
- How can you avoid makeup stains? Use a translucent powder to set foundation; it will help keep it from coming off on white shirts during a hug.
- Why do dogs jump at people when they hug? The dog’s jealous. Make it a group hug.
- Why do people rub or pat your back when they hug you? Since you asked… they rub because they care, and they pat because they’re uncomfortable.
- Can you become pregnant if you hug a guy? Yes, but it would be a coincidence. In other words, not because you hugged him. In other words… no way. But you knew that.
- When is Hug Day? January 21. But hugs are great 24/7/365.